Biographical notes

"The widespread dismissal for about one century of Einstein's incompleteness of quantum mechanics and, therefore, chemistry, which dismissal was originated by Nazi propaganda in the 1930s and continued by organized academic interests, is one of the biggest scientific blunders in history because based on the tacit admission that a theory valid for point-particles in vacuum can describe the immense complexities of the entire universe, under the studious dismissal of numerous experimentally established deviations from quantum mechanics in particle physics, nuclear physics and astrophysics."

"I want to be remembered for my view that, amidst the glitter of technological advances, we are living during a scientific obscurantism on basic scientific knowledge of such a magnitude to dwarf by comparison the scientific obscurantism imposed by the Vatican during Galileo's times, because the latter obscurantism was motivated by religious dogmas, while the current obscurantism is motivated by billions of dollars of research funds that have been granted for one century and continue to be solely granted solely for research based on century-old basic doctrines."

"Rather than abusing Einstein’s name by applying the 20th century realization of his theories for conditions they were never intended for and are experimentally disproved in any case, the best way to honor Einstein’s name is that of maintaining his axioms, and introducing broader realizations for the representation of more complex physical conditions."

"According to clear experimental evidence, the size of the wave packets of particles is essentially the same as that of all hadrons. Consequently, hadrons, nuclei and stars are composed by extended wave packets in conditions of total mutual immersion, with ensuing non-linear, non-local and non-Hamiltonian interactions under which 20th century mathematical and physical theories are inapplicable."

"Since the range of strong interactions is essentially equal to the size of all hadrons, the activation of strong interactions requires the mutual penetration of the charge distribution of hadrons with consequential non-linear, non-local and non-Hamiltonian interactions that, nowadays, are solely representable with the isotopic element of isomathematics."

"One of the best kept secrets of the best Ph. D. schools in chemistry is the impossibility for quantum chemistry to represent electrons valence bonds due to their excessively big Coulomb repulsion."

"Lack of participation in basically new advances is a gift of scientific priorities to others."

"There cannot be a really new physical or chemical theory without a really new mathematics, and there cannot be a really new mathematics without new numbers."

"With their neutrino hypothesis, Pauli and Fermi did salvage the conservation of the angular momentum in the neutron synthesis e + p → n + ν, but they did not salvage quantum mechanics because the mass of the neutron is bigger than the sum of the masses of the electron and of the proton, thus causing the inapplicability of the Schroedinger and Dirac equations for the neutron synthesis in favor of covering theories."

"The difference between 'True Researchers' and 'Political Physicists' is illustrated by the comparison of Einstein's doubts on the r.h.s. of his field equations, and scientists who become hysterical at the mere mention of Einstein's doubts."

"I cannot accept charge conjugation as a particle-antiparticle conjugation because it implies that all antiparticles have positive masses, against the evidence of particle-antiparticle annihilation into light which requires antiparticles to have negative mass according to Dirac."

"There is hope that 'hope' can represent life." Quote made by Prof. Santilli at the end of the lecture on by Prof. T. Vougiouklis during the 2020 International Workshop on the EPR argument http://www.world-lecture-series.org/level-xii-epr-teleconference-2020 to indicate that the hyperstructural formulation of irreversible Lie-admissible branch of hadronic mechanics, and its hyperopetratioins called 'hope,' may represent the difference between organic and inorganic molecules.